A very different idea for how the pyramids where built!

A review and opinion blog of a YouTube video located here!

Building the Pyramids of Egypt …a detailed step by step guide

I was truly surprised with this very creative idea on how the pyramids were constructed. I think this idea has more reality in it then the accepted Egyptological explanation have ever had. The really cool thing for me though is that it has some of the same problems as the Egyptological mythical explanation.


The amount of blocks that had to be moved in a 22 year span!

The ability to cut stone to within a 2/10,000 of a centimeter as the stone rectangle in the kings chamber has been measured and slightly exceeds the standard of 2/10,000 of a centimeter.

The whole alignment of the entire structure is so perfect that engineers look at it and shake their collective heads?

This guys idea strikes me as possible, but the evidence given can be taken in other directions.

I give the video a 3 out of five stars.

What do you think?

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